3 Ways CRM Automation Makes Salespeople’s Lives Easier

Today’s sales reps have all the tech they could possibly need  at their fingertips: CRM, lead generation tools, email management software…you name it. There’s an abundance of technology geared toward helping reps do their jobs better, but not a lot that makes their lives easier.

Enter the CRM automation platform: software that helps all those apps communicate with one another while keeping all of the reps’ data in one place. This type of software as a service (SaaS) is tailored specifically to the needs of the people who actually use the product: sales reps.

Here are three ways CRM automation can make salespeople’s lives easier — and help them close more deals in the process:

Saving Time

The average salesperson spends only about 34% of their day actually selling. The rest of that time is usually spent taking meeting notes and entering data into CRM. All this time spent on soul-crushing admin can lead to lost income, frustration and poor communication among sales teams and managers.

CRM automation makes this nightmare go away, saving sales reps hours upon hours of grunt work every week. No more double data entry. No more frantically typing late at night because you forgot to update your CRM. Reps enter their data once in the platform, and it’s automatically synced back. Poof, done!

Staying Organized

Remember all those apps mentioned earlier? Wouldn’t it be great if they were all linked in the same place, so sales reps wouldn’t have to keep overheating their computers while running seven or eight of them at a time? Believe it or not, all the tools reps have been given can create more chaos than alignment. With tool integrations, CRM automation platforms can sync with Slack, Zoom, calendars and more, so reps can work in one place with everything they need to sell at their fingertips.

For example, Dooly, the leading CRM automation software that makes updating Salesforce fast and painless, offers a wide array of tool integrations. Sales reps can sync Dooly with Google Drive and Calendar, Outlook, and other applications – and can even activate a Dooly Chrome extension so they can access the platform no matter what they’re working on. There’s no need to keep dozens of tabs open 24/7 when everything can exist in just one. CRM automation can help you declutter your browser — and your brain.

Staying Connected

When the world went remote, reps who used to work in the same office were suddenly scattered across the country. That meant teams had to navigate different time zones and workflows, all while dealing with a global pandemic. This is why note-sharing capabilities are a must.

Making sure salespeople can access the same information and work with one another across time zones can streamline the sales process and keep sales reps, managers and teams connected regardless of their locations. This tech will also be an easy win for salespeople working under a hybrid model as offices start to re-open, with reps alternating working onsite and from home.

Furthermore, as we enter a vaccinated world and travel restrictions begin to lift, the traveling salespeople of the world are getting ready to trade in their Zoom fatigue for airline tickets once more. Salespeople on the go need to be able to access their notes from anywhere in the world. A connected workspace platform can keep both reps and their teams tuned in from across the globe.

Platforms like these are a one-stop shop for sales reps, keeping all of their data, tools and notes in one place. By taking these common woes off the table, CRM automation enables reps to spend more time doing what they do best: selling.


  • Michelle Pietsch

    Michelle Pietsch is the vice president of revenue at Dooly, a sales enablement platform that collects information and insights essential to close business sales. She has a robust history of developing and scaling sales teams for fast-growing startups.

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