Building a great content marketing campaign

Good content marketing can get your company noticed, build awareness and drive your audience to conversion. However, creating a good content marketing campaign is not so easy. If you know the most important components of a successful content marketing campaign, you can build it more easily. Here are seven tips to keep in mind.

Get to know your audience and what they need from your content.

Make sure you understand your demographics and psychographics well before you start your campaign. Consider what your audience could want or need from your content. It might be guides and tips or it might be something more research-focused. It can even be purely for entertainment.

If you have a blog, update content. If not, start one.

A blog is a foundation of content marketing. If you already have a blog, update the content already there to reflect your content marketing efforts. No blog yet? No problem. Blogs are easy to build and they could mean a lot for your web traffic because of the optimization that you can build into it.

Start building an email list and use it properly.

Email list building is important because email is the perfect medium for content marketing. You can, for one, create a long-form content gift for everyone who subscribes. This is a lead magnet that will help you get many people on your email list. You can create blog post roundups and different emails for your audience aside from regular blog post updates.

Telling good stories makes all the difference.

We love stories because we understand the world better through them. Use storytelling to help people get your message and to grab attention. You can tell your brand’s story, customer stories and even use them in blog post content as a way to inform more effectively.

Schedule and organize your content and sharing.

To avoid any delays and hiccups, you should create a content schedule that will help you stay on track. This is fairly simple and there are many tools you
can use. By scheduling content, you map out your strategy and you get the most out of your time.

“Schedule social media marketing too, as it will be much harder for you to share on a regular basis that way,” says Emma Perkins, an editor at Australia2write and Brit student.

Understand what you want to achieve and create content that will get you there.

Set clear goals for your content marketing campaign. What do you want to achieve? More engagement? More awareness? Better sales? Set a goal — or multiple goals — and work toward them. Come up with a clear plan that will get you there.

Create content for all stages of the sales funnel.

Awareness stage means informational content like blog posts where you are not trying to sell anything yet, but just to build trust and familiarity. Middle part of the sales funnel is the stage where you would create product comparisons or more detailed content on how to use your products. Last stage means you should create direct sales emails and offers.

Use visuals to enhance your messages.

“Visuals help improve your content. Images, videos, infographics, graphs and so on all serve to bring your story to life and improve it,” says Beth Carson, a content marketer at 1Day2write.

Tips like these are useful, but to really understand something and learn how to do it well, you need to get straight into it. It may take some time and a slightly slower approach, but you will find your way.

Emily Williams works as a passionate marketing specialist and writer at Academic Brits.


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