How Credible are You?

Assign yourself one of these three point values only:

Always: 5 points
Sometimes: 2 points
I don’t know/don’t think so: 0 points

1. I can describe why others customers in the buyer’s industry buy from me in 15 words or less
2. I am prepared to deliver new insight, information or ideas before every sales call or meeting
3. I respond to buyers’ questions, concerns and requests in less than one business day
4. Buyers learn new things about themselves or their business when they work with me
5. C-suite level decision-makers feel comfortable sharing sensitive information with me
6. I invest my own time and money to improve my sales skills and soft skills
7. I deliver more than I promise
8. I put the buyer’s best interests ahead of my own
9. I am consulted by my customers before they make a significant decision not related to the product I sell
10. When someone googles my name, they find positive things about me on the first page of search results
11. My linkedin and other online profiles will convince prospects why they should do business with me
12. I write articles, blog posts and post videos online that demonstrate my expertise
13. My sales emails are written specifically for each buyer and are responded to most of the time
14. I avoid speaking in a manner than is unsure, uninformed or unkind
15. I generate most of my sales leads from referrals and introductions from my current clients

Total _______


65 POINTS AND UP: You are likely perceived as credible by most of your prospects and accounts. Keep it up!

40-64 POINTS: You can improve your perception by more prospects, and improve your sales numbers, with a little work. SalesCred can help.

0-39 POINTS: Your sales numbers are being held back by how buyers perceive you. Reading this magazine is a positive step forward.


  • Kathy Crosett

    Kathy Crosett is the Vice President of Research for SalesFuel. She holds an MBA from the University of Vermont and oversees a staff of researchers, writers and content providers for SalesFuel. Previously,she was co-owner of several small businesses in the health care services sector.

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