Tips for Planning Multigenerational Travel Experiences

An incentive travel experience with a multigenerational workplace team is akin to vacationing with multiple generations of your family. Planners offer these tips to make it more pleasurable and less stressful:

Get input from all generations represented

You won’t be able to accommodate every individual request, but you should get a sense of the differencesin desires and the crossovers between the generations, then plan accordingly.

Select accommodations with diverse budgets in mind

Luxury is a key element of incentive travel programs. However, participants frequently end up spending some of their own money, including by extending their stay or bringing children. Choose accommodations that are high end, but not so expensive it limits some participants’ options.

Choose activities for everyone

More Boomers golf than Gen Zers. Educational activities are more likely to appeal to all ages. Look for destinations that offer a wide range of activities so you can have a menu of options.

Break bread together and separately

Team meals are great bonding experiences, but not every meal needs to be eaten together. Setting participants free to pursue their own culinary interests helps avoid griping and affords important “me time” for participants.

Don’t overschedule

Free time is highly rated by all generations of incentive travel program participants. Having time apart each day makes the time together more special.


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