Through four years of testing and development, SalesFuel created a sales microcoaching platform, SalesFuel CoachFeed. It contains four essential elements for upskilling your sales reps.
Needs analysis – Every successful sales professional knows that their sales outcome will only be as good as the needs analysis they conduct on their prospect. Microcoaching works best when the rep’s shortcomings in skill set and mindset have been identified up front, ideally through a short battery of unbiased sales aptitude evaluations and psychometric assessments.
Sales coaching – Microcoaching doesn’t exist in a vacuum. The material should supplement the topics managers and reps cover in their regular one-on-one sessions.
Adaptive coaching – Every sales rep is at a different point in their professional development. They come to their positions with unique strengths and weaknesses in sales skills, soft skills and mindset. Our microcoaching platform targets each rep’s unique needs by tapping assessment results. We then merge the results with knowledgebase information into effective suggestions and thought-provoking questions.
Microcoaching – Shares many elements with microlearning. However, microcoaching differs from microlearning in that the rep is encouraged to answer reflective open-ended sales coaching questions. Through the benefit of AI, these questions can be asked without manager involvement. However, the outcomes improve when managers get curious and interact with their reps about their responses afterwards.
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