The 7 Types of Content That Navigate the Buyer’s Journey

7 Types of Content That Navigate the Buyer’s Journey

The effectiveness of your content strategy hinges not just on the content you create but, crucially, on how you apply it. Authentic engagement and strategic content usage are paramount in transitioning from merely being seen as a sales rep to being viewed as a trusted advisor.

The Essence of Authenticity in Sales

Authenticity is more than a buzzword in sales; it’s the backbone of successful relationships. When every action and word is aligned with your core beliefs, you develop trust and build a lasting rapport with your prospects. This congruence between belief and behavior reassures clients that they are engaging with someone who values integrity over a quick sale. In a world where consumers are bombarded with information, genuine interactions are not just refreshing; they are influential.

The initial interaction with a prospect, often when they consume your content, is a critical moment in sales. If prospects perceive these interactions as transactional, they categorize you as just another salesperson. However, approaching these conversations with the mindset of understanding and helping rather than selling transforms how prospects see you. This shift is fundamental to becoming a trusted advisor rather than just a vendor.

To effectively guide prospects through the buyer’s journey, sales professionals need to leverage seven types of content. Each type serves a unique purpose, addressing different stages of the journey and the buyer’s needs.

1. Content Before the Need

Anticipatory content positions you as a forward-thinking leader. By addressing potential challenges or changes in the industry before they become a pressing issue for your prospects, you set the stage for trust and reliability.

2. Content that Creates Curiosity

This type of content is designed to challenge the status quo. By presenting ideas or data that make prospects re-evaluate their circumstances, you not only grab their attention but also motivate them to seek new solutions – ideally, the solutions you offer.

3. Content that Offers Social Proof

Case stories, testimonials and reviews play a critical role in building credibility. Social proof helps in alleviating fears and uncertainties by showing real-life examples of satisfied customers, thereby encouraging prospects to make favorable decisions.

4. Content that Overcomes Objections

Well-crafted content that anticipates and addresses common objections can significantly smooth the path to a sale. This includes detailed FAQs, white papers and explainer videos that tackle potential hesitations head-on.

5. Content that Gives You the Competitive Edge

In a competitive market, content that highlights your unique value propositions is indispensable. This content should clearly articulate why your solution is superior, focusing on features, benefits and the overall return on investment.

6. Content that Helps Your Buyers Sell You Internally

Often, your direct contact is not the sole decision-maker. Equip them with tools, templates and conversation starters they can use to advocate for your solution internally. This content should be concise, compelling and tailored to address the interests and concerns of all stakeholders in the decision-making process.

7. Content that Helps You to Cross-Sell/Cross-Solve

After securing the initial sale, the focus should shift to maximizing value through additional relevant solutions. Content that educates customers about complementary products or services can foster deeper engagement and enhance customer value.

While having access to high-quality content is vital, applying this content determines success. Sales professionals must be adept at choosing the right type of content at the right time and skillful in customizing and presenting it in a way that resonates with each prospect’s specific needs and preferences.

The real power of content in sales lies not merely in its consumption but in its strategic application. By being authentic, perceptive, and tactically adept with content, sales professionals can elevate their role from product providers to trusted advisors, thereby achieving sustained success in their sales careers.

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Register for a Free Webinar

Brynne Tillman will present a free webinar on this same topic for SMM Connect. The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, June 20, at 4 p.m. Eastern. Learn more and register to attend here.


  • Brynne Tillman

    Brynne Tillman is the LinkedIn Whisperer and CEO of Social Sales Link. For over a decade she has been teaching Entrepreneurs, sales teams and business leaders how to leverage LinkedIn for social selling.

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