The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace
The COVID pandemic sparked an appreciation of workplace appreciation. Paul White, co-author of "The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace," says when workplace appreciation is tailored to the individual recipient's preferences, the ROI cannot be questioned.
Say More!
We asked our B2B audience for insights on increasing employee engagement, improving performance and celebrating success outside of cash payouts. Here’s what we heard back.
Corporate Gifting: The Action that Generates a Positive Reaction
Tangible gifts are a means to reward employees, channel partners and other business associates outside of pay for performance. Here's a look at best practices and current trends in using incentive merchandise.
Gift Cards Capture Hefty Incentive and Recognition Spend
Gift cards make ideal recognition and incentive rewards because they are easy to administer and they provide recipients choice. Stay on top of incentive gift card trends to get the most bang for your buck.
Motivating Today’s Multigenerational Workforce
Travel is meaningful to all ages, so it's an effective means of recognizing stellar workplace performance. Marriott GiftCards provide choice and flexibility.
Incentive Travel: What to Know Before It’s a Go
Incentive travel consistently ranks as the most memorable and appreciated non-cash reward by recipients. But it's vital to understand incentive travel trends to drive the highest ROI.
Be Mindful of These Incentive Travel Trends
A look at the latest incentive travel trends from the Incentive Research Foundation's Attendee Preferences for Incentive Travel survey.
A Closer Look at Who’s Using Incentive Travel
In North America, incentive travel campaigns are still predominantly used for "hard power" benefits such as increased sales. Globally, however, incentive travel is increasingly being used for softer performance improvement goals.
Effective Incentive Plans Don’t Happen by Accident
The complexity and comprehensiveness required to produce proper ROI prevents these from being DIY projects.
Stretch Your Incentive Budget with Channel Partner Co-Sponsorship
Co-sponsoring an incentive program with a channel partner not only distributes the financial load but also enhances the program’s impact.