The world we live in today is one where the intangible has never been such a vital part of daily life. Empires are built on information. Empires are also toppled because of information. With the introduction of the internet into our lives, we have never had such unprecedented access to information before.
And with that being said, it’s never been easier to connect businesses with prospective customers. The internet is one of, if not the most, potent marketing platform there is. Only a fool would overlook this opportunity to reach an audience far beyond what then-conventional (because the internet is now a conventional means to reach an audience) modalities could.
As with most markets, the internet, too, is a very competitive environment. This is why many website owners are trying to get to the first page of search results. Websites that land there are not only perceived to be more credible, they are most definitely going to get a lot more traffic than websites that aren’t ranked there.
And so, the battle to get yourself ranked ensures. And, while you have a slew of tools and methods, the one we’re going to focus on here is manual SEO auditing. How exactly can it boost your sales funnel and how do you implement it? Read on, dear reader.
First off, what Is It?
It’s rather simple. A manual SEO audit is a set of standard procedures and the use of various tools (a prime example of which would be this citation NAP consistency checker) that work in conjunction toward the purpose of providing you with information that is geared toward improving your marketing. An SEO audit is what’s going to help you figure out what’s falling short in your website and how you’re going to be able not only to plug the hole but also to help you generate more leads.
So, how exactly does doing a manual SEO audit help improve your sales funnel?
Gauge the overall health of your website
Before you delve into the finer details of your website, an SEO audit is going to reveal how your website is performing in relation to industry standards. This is also where you’re going to be able to detect any precursory red flags that you may need to look into later on.
Organic traffic is more frequent
While it’s true that you can indeed gain traffic through sponsored ads and posts, this method is not one that is optimal as it can easily eat into your marketing budget. By being able to detect the weak points in your campaign, you’re going to be able to make improvements to your site for free and from there on, you’re also going to build your audience organically. This is done by making sure that your campaign is using the right keyword phrases to attract your target market.
Detecting penalties
It doesn’t take an expert to know that a downward slope in your traffic is indicative of a possible penalty from Google. Seasoned SEO auditors are able to identify if a site has been penalized through an algorithm or through manual means. From this point on it’s as simple as rectifying the problem and your traffic should improve.
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