Business customers usually do not have time to read lengthy marketing content to dig out the required information. Instead, they prefer and love interacting with content that provides them with key information quickly and efficiently.
In order to give a boost to your B2B sales, you will need to summarize the marketing content. Here are steps that you need to follow to efficiently summarize the marketing content for maximized B2B sales.
1. Determine Your Audience
To efficiently summarize the marketing content, you first need to determine for whom you are summarizing content. You need to determine whether your summarized content will be read by technical employees, high authorities or decision-makers of the brand, or by the marketing or sales team.
When you have an understanding of all these, you can then tailor your summary according to the audience’s needs and preferences.
Note: Understanding the audience is necessary because the business will only make purchases or partner with your brand when they are facilitated with short content that is according to their preferences.
2. Review the Marketing Content
Once you have understood the audience, you then must go through the marketing content that you are planning to summarize. Carefully read the content in order to get yourself familiar with its core purpose or meaning. This will further eliminate the chances of generating inaccurate summarized content.
For a better understanding, it is recommended to read the marketing content multiple times. However, do not just try to understand its original meaning; instead, try to understand it from different perspectives.
Apart from this, you should read the marketing content in a distraction-free place so there is no chance of accidentally skipping or forgetting some part (sentence or paragraph) of the content.
3. Highlight Main Points
While reading the marketing content, you should highlight all the main points of it. This is essential because the main points will later help you to efficiently summarize the content.
However, it is recommended to write down the main or best points of the marketing content separately. If you don’t note down the main points separately, there is a strong chance you may forget to address one or more necessary points while summarizing the marketing. This will greatly damage the quality of your summarized marketing content.
4. Start to Summarize
When you are finished highlighting the main points, you can start the summarization process. Wondering how? Let us explain.
You can follow two different approaches. The first involves creating a content summary by using the same words and phrases that the original source content contains. Use the main points sentences and combine them in such a way that they make sense and provide info in a concise way. This approach is commonly known as extractive summarization.
The other summarization approach involves crafting a summary using totally new words and phrases that the source text does not contain. Following this summarization requires a good grip on vocabulary and also time and effort because you have to carefully choose the most appropriate words/phrases according to the context.
Businesses may not have enough time, as they have several other essential tasks. In this case, they can consider utilizing an AI text summarizer, which will quickly summarize the given marketing content by introducing new words and phrases in it.
So, which summarization approach should you use? The decision is totally dependent on you. If the quality of marketing content is already up to the mark, it would be good to use the extractive approach.
On the other hand, if you want to improve the quality while also summarizing the marketing content, then you should go with an abstractive approach.
5. Proofread the Summarized Content
This is the final step that you need to follow to effectively summarize content for maximum B2B sales. Proofreading will allow you to find any grammar, spelling and punctuation mistakes in the content.
Besides this, you need to ensure that the summarized content is delivering the same meaning as its original variant. Remember, while proofreading the content, if you have any sentence or paragraph not written or summarized properly do not hesitate to change it.
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