Home The Channel Partnership Playbook
Are Your Channel Relationships Where They Need to Be?
Channel partnerships are an effective means of putting more qualified leads in your pipeline and expanding to new markets, but only if the strategy is approached smartly.
Channel Travel Incentive Program Reaps 8:1 ROI
An electrical products distributor that offered mid-tier channel partners a group travel program realized a 23% increase in projected sales growth.
Channel Partnerships by the Numbers
A survey or more than 100 B2B marketing managers revealed some telling statistics on the importance of their channel partnership strategies.
Go and Grow
Forming channel partnerships is distinctly different than growing them. Here are 9 steps for each effort.
What Channel Strategy Is Right for You?
Not all channel partnerships are alike. Some aren't even designed with increasing sales as the top priority. Knowing the different types of channel partnerships will help you get it right.