Tis the Season to Renew with Personal Power to Achieve Fierce Sales

Spring is a great time for sales. As we watch flowers bloom, turning gardens into kaleidoscopes of vibrant colors, we need to bring the same vigor and optimism to our sales teams in this season of renewal. One way to do this is by reminding them to embrace their personal power, which is the single greatest tool we have. Here’s what it is and why it matters.

In the sales world, personal power is our core leadership competency. It gives us the ability to develop our skills so we can better lead ourselves and thus are positioned to lead others. It is more of an attitude or state of mind than an attempt to maneuver or control others. It is based on strength, confidence and competence – all key characteristics we must possess to sell successfully. Every successful sales manager knows having a powerful team is essential for growth and that means reminding them of their personal power and how it can be used for collective collaborations.

Show up and say yes to everything in the direction of your dreams because success in sales is about addition so we want to grow and do better today than yesterday and be positioned to do even better tomorrow.  Here are the top ways to rev up your sales for the season and fire up your teams:

Stop curbing your own potential.

Meeting your goals should never be enough when exceeding goals is possible. Stop doubting your ability to lead and achieve. Take yourself to the next level by recognizing who you are and why you matter to the organization. Your personal power can get you there every time.

Think and act with urgency.

Your attitude must be to do it today; not tomorrow. Create necessity with an urgency. This will lead to a seriousness of purpose that will lead to growth. And, that doesn’t mean not to have fun, but always with a pace that is now and not later.

Lean into risk.

Push your comfort zone and move beyond what is safe. Stop sending emails and start picking up the phone. Stop picking up the phone and start attending networking events. Whatever you typically do – try your hand at something else because your growth could actually like in how much you are willing to risk.

Make it about them, not you.

Personal power takes generosity in both leading but also giving. Commit to what the customers need by becoming laser focused on the highest service you can offer to your clients. From repeat business to referrals – attention to detail making sure customers are content will always be a powerful force in propelling your sales and you.

Knowing how to work on your business isn’t the same as knowing how to work in your business. It’s the heart – the confidently clear heart – that allows you to fiercely lead rather than follow the crowd, taking you further, faster and longer than anyone else. Embrace your personal power with clarity, purpose and an authenticity that will shine through.


  • Kathleen Black

    Kathleen Black is CEO of Kathleen Black, Coaching & Consulting, Inc., a performance-based team coaching and training platform. She can be reached at admin@kathleenspeaks.com and on LinkedIn.

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