What’s Next?

We asked what’s trending in digital marketing. Here’s some of what we heard back.

Think Long-Term

“B2B digital marketing has usually been focused on rational, short-term activity. Roughly 54% of B2B media spend should be allocated toward long-term emotional brand building for maximum effectiveness. Direct response focuses on people who are lower in the funnel and who are more likely to buy today. Brand building focuses on everyone in the entire category who might want to buy tomorrow. That’s how you truly grow over the long-term.”

– Samuel Scott, marketing speaker and author of The Promotion Fix column for The Drum.

The Reinvention of Personalization

“The next generation of personalization is not about cookies or third-party data, it’s not about merchandising, and it’s not about guesswork. The next generation of personalization is about relying on deep data insights, first- and zero-party data, and using machine learning to derive not only the right content, not only the right offer, not only the right channel, but the right sequence of events that leads to an automated path to conversion.”

– Richard Jones, CMO of Cheetah Digital

More Integrations

“While there has been an explosion of new digital marketing tool sets (email marketing, social media, SEO dashboards, live chats/chatbots, automation, webinars, etc), many of these programs have been standalone or difficult to integrate with more standard programs like email and collaboration tools. More and more of the big players are adding direct integrations from these new tools to core business programs like CRM, Outlook, MS Teams/Slack, and calendars that many enterprises rely on. This means companies can get the full picture view of where their marketing is working tied directly into their sales funnels without expansive reports.

– Colton De Vos, marketing specialist, Resolute Technology Solutions


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