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The New Paradigm Post COVID

We hear the term “new normal” from news outlets, friends, family and colleagues on a regular basis. It begs the question, how do we...

Problem Solving and Decision Making in Uncertain Times

In the first part of this two-part article, we established the need for decisive leadership and the importance of listening to our people, leveraging...

Essential Leadership Behaviors for Uncertain Times

The unassailable business leadership lesson taught by the COVID crisis is: Your people need you more than ever – and you need them more...

Sales Leads Are a Perishable Asset

How you manage leads makes the difference between a wasted investment and a solid return on investment Once your company spends money to find a...

5 Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid

Negotiation is everywhere: in selling, setting salaries, getting the labor union back to the table, figuring out where to go out to dinner...even getting...

Improving the Post-Sale B2B SaaS Customer Experience

Implementing enterprise software has never been easy. This hasn’t changed, even with software as a service (SaaS) and cloud-based technology. An original promise of...

The Greatest Opportunity in 70 Years to Hire High-Performance Salespeople

The current global health crisis and lockdowns are putting most companies under extraordinary stress. Many companies have frozen hiring until they can determine the...

How to Navigate Pricing In a Pandemic

Scrap the notion that you can keep business as usual. B2B leaders and sales and marketing teams across the globe are finding ways to...

Onboarding In Sales: Training + Leadership

Sales teams are often one of the most expensive resources within a company, yet the average frontline sales manager spends only 9% of his...

How Sales Leaders Can Motivate Younger Employees Through Purpose-Driven Incentives

Younger employees are committed to the issues they’re passionate about. Millennials are now the largest group in the workforce, and like their Generation Z...

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