How content influences purchases

As more companies add content marketing to their brand-building mix, the emphasis must be on addressing business’s needs. A survey of more than 1,200 business leaders by SmartBrief and the Content Marketing Institute shows they want content that addresses pain points, educates (rather than sells) and makes their search for product specs easily accessible. Some of the survey’s findings:

More than 65 percent use sources other than manufacturers/vendors to collect information to help make a purchasing decision.

Peer recommendations, original research and product reviews are the most influential types of content, followed by in-person events and product demos.

40 percent of respondents are not concerned about the source of the information provided as long as the information is credible, while 31 percent prefer the information come from an unbiased source.

Good content gets shared, so make sure that can be done easily. Eighty percent share through email and 64 percent mention the information in discussions with colleagues.


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