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Influencer Mapping: Why Does It Matter?

With influencer mapper, you can find the correct influencer whose content aligns with your brand voice, what platforms they use, and measure their impact on their audience.
Staging Effective Virtual and Hybrid Events

Hosting Effective Virtual and Hybrid Events

Virtual and hybrid events are here to stay. Leveraging collaborative technologies has become vital to success.

How to Make Hybrid Sales Kickoffs Successful

Sales kickoffs happen year-round, and many continue to be virtual or a mix of in-person and virtual. A successful hybrid sales kickoff has important phases before and after the event itself.

Neuroscience-Backed Steps for Persuasive Virtual Sales Presentations

Neuroscience has revealed some important elements of virtual sales presentations that should become a staple of your teams' playbook.

Why Data Visualization Is Vital in Forging Customer Relationships

Data visualization is a valuable tool in creating and retaining trust between businesses and consumers. Here are three ways to improve relationships with customers via data visualization.
3 Strategies to Adapt to the Changing B2B Sales World

3 Strategies to Adapt to the Changing B2B Sales World

Sales teams that adapt to the new world order will win. Those that insist on using the same tactics they’ve always used are essentially trying to do the impossible – travel back in time.

The New Rules of Salesforce Collaboration – Better Collaboration, Better Sales

Salespeople are by nature highly competitive. But internally, their competitive nature can lead to conflicts if they contest who owns which accounts, contacts, opportunities, and the like. Instituting clear and concise rules of engagement can help alleviate this friction.

5 Ways Marketers Can Close the Engagement Gap with Sales Enablement

Capturing the attention of the increasingly elusive B2B buyer has become harder than ever as more sales interactions happen in digital channels, buying committees continue to grow and buyers conduct more self-guided research. The answer lies in building a full-scale, comprehensive sales enablement strategy.

Embracing Hybrid Sales with New Digital Tools

The global pandemic forced the creation of a new digital sales toolbox - one that blends online and offline experiences, and where technology supports relationship building, cost efficiencies and increased personalization. Here are three new tools every sales manager and CMO should be considering.
Stand Out from Competitors at Your Next Trade Show

How To Stand Out From Your Competitors at Your Next Trade Show

Return on trade show marketing investments are highest when your company stands out from competitors. Here are some ways to achieve that.

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