Amy Franko on Creating a Sales Enablement Center of Excellence

Amy Franko
Amy Franko

Sales enablement is defined as the strategic, ongoing process of equipping sales teams with the content, guidance and training they need to effectively engage buyers. It starts with hiring smart and ends with… well, maybe retirement.

Amy Franko is a sales strategist for growth-oriented, mid-market organizations. She works with a variety of sectors to grow sales results through both sales strategy and skills development programs.

In this podcast episode, we dive deeper into an article Amy wrote for a Sales & Marketing Management entitled “How to Create a Sales Enablement Center of Excellence.”

She is giving a free webinar on the same topic for Sales & Marketing Management Connect, our webinar division, on April 4. (Register here.)


  • Paul Nolan

    Paul Nolan is the editor of Sales & Marketing Management.

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  • Amy Franko

    Amy Franko is a sales strategist for growth-oriented, mid-market organizations. She works with a variety of sectors to grow sales results, through both sales strategy and skill development programs. She is the author of "The Modern Seller," and she is recognized by LinkedIn as a Top Sales Voice. Learn more at

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