Special Report

Sit On the Footlocker

Sometimes, it's enough for a manager to simply make workers aware you know how hard they are working and you appreciate it.

The Positives of Negative Feedback

Learning from error is imperative to growth. Behavioral psychologist Ayelet Fishbach says managers and employees alike must embrace the positives of negative feedback

Happy Workers Are the Highest Performers

Happier employees are more likely to emerge as leaders, earn higher scores on performance evaluations, and tend to be better teammates.

Recognition Remains a Priority Budget Item

Companies are trimming daily perks, but maintaining spending on incentives. The Incentive Research Foundation reports 2022 incentive trends.

Points Programs Play Important Role During COVID

Research indicates that workers who have participated in a recognition program that awards points that can be redeemed for rewards are more engaged and have a higher opinion of their employer.

Effective Communication Is Vital to Employee Morale

Studies show that a strong internal communications strategy in a company enhances business success. Here's a closer look at why that's true.

Encouragement Is the Essence of Strong Management

Three tips for making encouragement more impactful in the workplace.

Using Psychology to Motivate Your Sales Team

Whether you want to get back on track and see conversions, or get your sales department to the next level, you can use psychology to boost those working in your sales department.

Optimum Onboarding

Managers who make do with a poorly structured onboarding process with hopes that their new sales hires are talented enough to make up for their slapdash approach should ask themselves, "If you do not have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over?"

Foster a Community of Connection from the Start

Whether onboarding a new hire or helping an employee transition to a new role, there should be an intentional effort by the employer and the employee to develop a network of key connections within the company.

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